Linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) has played an active role in many markets throughout the years because of its molding capabilities, unique ability to produce complex forms, unparalleled flexibility and more. Whether working in film extrusion, rotomolding or injection molding, converters can be confident that they’ll receive LLDPE that will meet the necessary quality standards

Linear low-density polyethylene is also one of the most commonly used packaging films in the packaging industry. The reduction of density comes about through the use of comonomers that put side groups on the main chain that act like branches in decreasing crystallinity. LLDPE is also a soft, flexible material with a hazy appearance. At equal density and thickness, LLDPE has higher impact strength, tensile strength, puncture resistance and elongation than LDPE. Like LDPE, LLDPE has good water vapor barrier properties but is a poor barrier to oxygen, carbon dioxide and many odor and flavor compounds (Abdel-Bary 2003; Massey 2003). Since LLDPE often permits considerable downgaging, it can be the lowest cost alternative on a per-use basis.

LLDPE Products

The Toosplast LLDPE (Linear low-density polyethylene) granules are made of best raw materials by high-tech machinery. For viewing LLDPE granules and grades, click on more info